Filter Bags
Allied is the western Canadian representative of dust collection filter bags for Albarrie Canada Ltd. Allied’s Parts Department will specify the bag material and style for specific application. Certain common bag sizes are kept in inventory for emergency supply. Special solutions are offered for difficult conditions such as high temperature, chemical composition and high moisture situations. Albarrie’s continuous research and development efforts allow us to offer many unique fabric combinations for effective filtration in a wide variety of challenging applications.
Baghouse Parts
Spare parts are available for all Allied made (ABL and AC) baghouses and also various other makes and models such as Carter Day, Pneumafil, Micropul and others. We can supply bag gauges, venturis, Goyen diaphragm valves and other Goyen parts, broken bag detectors, Asco diaphragm valves, photohelic and magnahelic gauges, Dynatrol level sensors and other baghouse accessories.
GreCon Systems and Parts
Allied represents GreCon spark detection systems in Western Canada and sells spare parts and arranges service calls for GreCon service specialists. GreCon service contracts are also available for regular site service maintenance of spark detection/extinguishing systems.